Friday, May 27, 2016

High Flows Cause Discoloration in Cement Creek and Upper Animas River: Monitoring Indicates No Increased Risk

Date: May 25, 2016

Contact: Claire Ninde, San Juan Basin Health
335-2044; email:

High Flows Cause Discoloration in Cement Creek and Upper Animas River:
Monitoring Indicates No Increased Risk

Durango, COLO– Southwest Colorado is experiencing an increase in spring runoff that has discolored Cement Creek and the upper Animas River. Due to warm weather and snow melt, Cement Creek has increased discoloration as flows increase.

Despite the increased discoloration, continuous monitoring of water quality in Cement Creek and the Animas River shows no changes that are concerning for environmental or public health. Water sampling at multiple locations will continue to occur weekly during spring runoff. Local and state emergency management and public health are monitoring the situation and will update the public if conditions change.

Exposure to both water and sediment is not expected to harm human health during typical recreational exposure.

Tips for River Users:

• It is always a good public health practice to wash with soap and water after exposure to untreated river water or sediment.
• As a precautionary measure, it is recommended that river users avoid extended contact with visibly discolored sediment or river water.
• Because children sometimes ingest water and soil when playing in or around the river, they should be supervised closely to limit their exposure to untreated water or sediments.
• When using any river or stream as water source be sure to properly treat water before consumption.
• Rinsing fishing and boating equipment after each use is always a good practice.

To sign up to receive emergency notifications if conditions change please visit

For any questions or concerns, please call San Juan Basin Health at 970-335-2044.

San Juan Basin Health is a local public health agency, governed by a seven member local Board of Health, serving all residents of La Plata and Archuleta counties. For over 60 years, San Juan Basin Health has improved the health and environment of the Southwest Colorado community.