Friday, June 10, 2016

US 550 Bondad Hill Open After Rockslide

LA PLATA COUNTY – The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) restored all three lanes of traffic on US 550 Bondad Hill located about 5 miles south of Durango earlier today, Thursday, June 9.  Crews blasted large rocks and boulders which had fallen from the hillside. The blasting allowed maintenance workers to more easily remove the rock and debris from the roadway. All three lanes of traffic were restored at 4:00 p.m.

At approximately 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 8, CDOT crews responded to a call about rocks on the road. CDOT crews determined a rock slide had taken place at US 550 MM 6 known as Bondad Hill. Crews were able to remove the smaller debris and maintain two-lane traffic (north and south bound) at all times. The north bound climbing lane, closest to the cliff, was closed all night.

Despite an estimated 75 to 100 tons of rock falling from the hillside, there was no significant damage to the highway.

CDOT maintenance crews will continue to closely monitor the area. Region 5 engineers have reached out to staff from the Geotechnical Group at CDOT Headquarters so that a long range mitigation plan can be developed. The Geotechnical Group comprises of civil engineering staff that specialize in the characterization and behavior of earth material.   

Additionally, CDOT crews will return to the area next week to continue to clear and remove the rock which has been pushed off the road, but needs to be completely removed from the shoulder and side of the road. Two-way traffic will be maintained at all times. However, travelers may expect short delays when heavy equipment is moved across the road.  

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